• just_kitten
    4 months ago

    Morning. I had a very vivid dream in which

    I was running late to work

    but had borrowed a car so was trying to do everything I needed a car for while I had it, so I’d gone to a library (that looked like a stereotypical posh US high school)… was cutting it fine and trying to fat-fingerly message my colleagues to please make me a coffee, but then just as I’m trying to drive off I find out the cat (I somehow own a skinny white one) has snuck into the car, and is now trying to escape… cue increasing panic as the wriggly thing keeps getting out (and some Indonesian kid passing by takes photos of it) and then runs all around the car once I’ve trapped it inside and I can’t drive, and I see the “typing…” animation on the group chat and I realise it’s time for everyone else to leave and I’m still not there…

    … so I wake up groggily to check the time on the clock and FUCK it’s 6:55am? I need to leave in ten!.. only to grab my phone and see it’s 6:05am… and here I am, adrenaline unnecessarily coursing through my system, resolutely staying in bed until i have to get up. 🥱 😴

    • indisin
      4 months ago

      You have got this and I believe in you, and if you feel like you don’t have this then you can maybe just chuck a sickie?