Just had a look at windy.com. Big mob of rain coming in from Western Vic. I reckon it’ll be here by morning. So much for doing a perfect two weeks of biking to/from work every day. Now to find my myki … Sorry studspud, won’t be going to Night of Power if it’s raining.
Just had a look at windy.com. Big mob of rain coming in from Western Vic. I reckon it’ll be here by morning. So much for doing a perfect two weeks of biking to/from work every day. Now to find my myki … Sorry studspud, won’t be going to Night of Power if it’s raining.
Fair enough! I dont want anyone out in the rain!!
How else are we supposed to jump in puddles?
I’ll be there, dancing my silly little heart out. Jump in puddles on the way home heheh
Bleh. I know I’m just going to be rained on tomorrow when I have to do my outside duties.