• Baku
      16 days ago

      I don’t actually know if the house is owned by the state or not. It’s managed by the organisation contracted to try really hard to make sure I don’t die, and they have at least partial maintenance abilities, but generally maintenance and works are carried out by specific contractors child protection really like, who I believe also have to hold a WWCC.

      I brought it up a few months ago, and offered to run the cabling myself. I got a vague yes. I’m not entirely sure she understood what I meant, and it wasn’t a firm yes, but I definitely construed it as being a yes. She’s been on “indefinite unplanned leave” and I can’t clarify the matter, so I decided to do it. Being a child in their care gives me partial immunity too. Worst case they’ll tell me off, tell me never to do it again, and then send a sparky out to undo everything I just did. But it’s fairly likely I wouldn’t have to pay for any of it.

      (Their general stance on things is that as long as it can be removed easily, and any damage repaired by me before I move out, it’s all good. I’m going to remove the cables and patch up the holes when I leave so it’s probably fine. I most certainly would not just do this on a vague agreement made months ago if I lived pretty much anywhere else)