• NathA
    5 months ago

    I think it was mostly money well spent. My biggest complaint was the Stan editing team didn’t bother editing the field events, like at-all. The Pole vault competition for example could have been edited out to under an hour if they cut all the waiting around, but they didn’t bother. Same with pretty much all the jumps and throws. Most of them also had no commentary. No editing at all - just the raw feed.

    Same story with many of the less popular events. Just the base feed. This wasn’t always bad, though - in fact I’d like the option to turn commentary off sometimes.

    My best Olympic experience was when I had access to the British iView service during the London Olympics. It was like what we had with Stan: Every event live or on-demand, ad free. But the interface was loads better. That’s probably the other bad thing about Stan - the Interface sucked sometimes. They did try, to be fair. But finding some events was just not doable. I wanted to find the final Archery match between India and Canada - I never did.