Roy lost his roosters over a noise complaint, he’s hoping the premier can intervene as he did with Molly the magpie


  • @Ilandar
    1024 days ago

    It may well be illegal or unsurprising but I still think that’s a pretty sad situation. I hope he is at least able to visit them in the future. Life can become increasingly lonely for older people and animal companionship is often one of their greatest joys and comforts. I have owned chickens in the past and they can exhibit intelligence and affection around their owners that the average person doesn’t see or think is possible.

    • 𝚝𝚛𝚔OP
      24 days ago

      Some of associates of mine work in DESI and if their previous experiences are anything to go by, old mate would have had DOZENS of warnings, finger wagglings, slightly sterner finger wagglings, pieces of paper, more important pieces of paper, in-person visits, more in-person visits, phone calls, etc etc etc with a grace period of 90 days between each step assuming they dont lodge an appeal which immediately resets the 90 day counter and can damn near blow out indefinitely… He potentially had years of warnings before action was finally taken.

      Can you imagine living in the vicinity of multiple crowing roosters in suburbia for literally years only for the source of your frustration appearing in the local rag crying poor me?

      • Shouldnt have taken on roosters in a suburban area

      • Should have taken them to this farm somewhere between the warnings and the finger wagglings

      • Should not be attempting to follow the Magpie idiots in bypassing the laws

      • @Ilandar
        324 days ago

        That may very well be the case but it doesn’t change how I feel; someone has still been separated from their beloved pets. It is actually possible to feel sympathetic for another member of society whilst acknowledging that the bad situation they’ve found themselves in has arisen because they broke laws and/or acted irresponsibly (a shocking concept in today’s outrage-driven social media landscape, I know).

  • CEOofmyhouse56
    723 days ago

    I feel sorry for the poor man but keeping 3 roosters in a small unit is a bit inhumane.

  • @Taleya
    424 days ago

    ok 1) the dude’s an idiot keeping roosters in a unit but 2) the fact they were seized under noise complaints immediately gets my fucking hink up because “noise complaints” is one of those laws that only gets acted on to hurt certain demographics