It’s like the Ying to Fridays Yang
It’s like the Ying to Fridays Yang
It’s been a long week already
Righto, got the tooth fixed. $200 gap with private health (which only covered $70, so glad we fork out for that bullshit).
Gotta go back for a general check up and clean and whatever which I assume will be a similar cost.
Expensive to live tbh.
So akshually, the camera provided the proof and the police did the catching… The bucket appears to have played no real part in this story.
Who cares? If your upvote or downvote or any other activity you deliberately perform on a public platform is something you’re embarrassed about and wouldn’t be willing to do in a face to face engagement you probably shouldn’t be doing it.
Crypto was the biggest waste of resources ever until AI came along. Now its a competition to see who can destroy the planet first.
I broke my tooth last night… eating an ice cream??
How is that even possible.
One of the four corners of a chewie boy (I dont know what they’re called - the big suckers at the back) just kinda came off. No pain, no crunch, no nothing.
Sum total of tooth works in my life thus far is one cap and one removed wisdom tooth so was doing pretty good there. Havent seen a dentist in probably 10+ years though so… yeah.
“It was muzzled, and it is going to be unshackled to do its job: to keep the powerful in check, to make sure that the voiceless have a voice,” Crisafulli said this week.
“And if they do a report, it shouldn’t be buried because the report is about a mate.”
This part sounds promising…
… but this part sounds like that first part is all lip service.
I’m here too - better make it a bakers dozen 😎
Things that are disgusting: Hungry Jacks “Affogato”
Cheap soft serve and horrible coffee, together at last!
> “Here’s how”
> goes on to not explain how
Dunno man, but if you find out let me know cause every time I see this bad boy I’m giggling like a schoolgirl no matter the situation
Many years ago I did post mix installs. Because we were subcontract, it was not unusual to install a system for one company, then replace it under the banner of another company, and then rip that out and install another system on behalf of the first company again.
I can think of at least 3 different venues in our CBD that I swapped like that.
What it did was make me real good at ensuring anything I installed was easy to follow and work with afterwards… Cause it was probably going to be me again lol
Our EV doesn’t have a spare, which I wasn’t concerned about as I’ve had maybe two flats in my driving history and one of those I just pumped up and drove to the tyre shop for a repair.
What did catch me out recently was not having a jack. It makes sense though - car has no spare, so why include a jack?
We got a screw in the tyre a few weeks back and it was leaking too bad to pump up for even a short drive. I figured I’d jack up the car, take off the rim, and take it in the wife’s car to the tyre joint.
Things to note:
Didn’t want to leave it perched on a jack and a single wheel, so took the tyre off and ended up replacing the screw in the hole that was leaking with a bigger screw… Then pumping it up and driving it to the tyre joint.
Moral of the story - might be easier to just carry a small selection of different sized screws and a screw driver.
It’s too small for a rim and tyre.
I wish I was a morning person.
Going to bed full of beans but waking up tired and sore sucks. Spend half the day just getting back to normal feeling.
1Password is the only one I found that I can share with the family, syncs changes practically instantly, and actually detects login fields on every platform I use it on (Android, Windows, Linux).
I love that you’re saying monopolies are terrible, while crowing about how successful Epic is and how they licence their game engine to half the industry (presumably making them the largest share, given the remaining 50% is shared among every other alternative).
Seems like this Steam monopoly isn’t having the negative affect you’re suggesting.
I’m agnostic to all storefronts and platforms, I just hate exclusivity contracts.
No wonder they don’t sell it anywhere else - wouldn’t meet local safety requirements.
I liked a recent BYD Shark teardown video by some American mob… Their biggest complaint was that it was “overbuilt” lol
Fire up them tariffs lads, protectionism is the only thing ensuring sales.
I prefer the separation.
Its interesting to read 3 or 4 topics on the same thing (sometimes it’s even the same person posting to multiple instances) but getting wildly different “public opinion” depending on where it was posted and who ended up as the top comment (which tends to influence the rest of the comments).