He has a neurological condition, spasmodic dysphonia (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spasmodic_dysphonia)
While the government has said there will be a question on sexual orientation, it has not reversed the decision to cancel work on the other questions which would give a baseline on the number of trans, gender diverse and people with variations of sex characteristics.
I hadn’t realised this. It was reported everywhere just as the decision to cut questions having been reversed, not partially reversed.
What rebates are these?
EDIT: Okay, I had a look around
Probably not an exhaustive list, but just what I found with a quick look around.
If they’re found to have fired 300 officials with no just cause then thats such an own goal.
I honestly don’t think that’s even in dispute at this point. The administrator didn’t conduct (and couldn’t have had time to conduct) any official investigation and no finding has been made against any individual.
The only thing at issue in this legal challenge is whether the Aus Fed Govt has the authority to seize control of a member organisation and terminate its employees without just cause.
Deputy Prime Minister Richard Marles said on Wednesday, “we don’t want to open up a divisive debate in relation to this issue”.
‘Instead we’re just going to pretend you don’t exist.’
Some stickers here in support of the CFMEU: https://garagepressdistro.bigcartel.com/
I’m thinking it’s probably just that the Privacy Commission is under-resourced, so they figured they may as well let regulators in other countries do some of the work for now.
Schwartz Media has been under boycott by Palestine activists for a while now, though I don’t think it’s publicised enough.
It’s on a list here: https://palestinetoolkit.org/hold-institutions-accountable/media-and-arts/#boycott-schwartz-media
This article also gives some background: https://www.crikey.com.au/2023/04/24/statements-from-the-soul-zionism-indigenous-sovereignty/
- The i7 runs HOT for whatever reason and the fans will go loud because of this, while doing light work (it’s doing it right now and I’ve only got FF open).
If it’s gotten worse over time it could be a dust problem.
If it’s always been like this, then either the thermal design is just bad (which is possible), or maybe the heatsink wasn’t installed correctly (poor contact, possibly poor application of thermal paste).
Could also be that fan profile is over-reactive and you might be able to revise them down. Have you checked the CPU temps?
- F*ck NVIDIA on Linux
Most likely, yeah. Looks like mayyybe tobacco taxes are a little too high…
ABC article with comments from various parties here: https://www.abc.net.au/news/2024-08-09/retailers-fear-tobacco-turf-war-in-ettalong/104206350
Not that I’m inclined to defend the Coalition, but I suspected that the ratio was due to them being in opposition, and the historical record would seem to indicate that’s a large factor: https://www.aph.gov.au/About_Parliament/Parliamentary_Departments/Parliamentary_Library/pubs/rp/rp1617/DisorderlyConduct#_Toc468869261
Non-government members, including crossbenchers, account for 92.8 per cent of all instances of disciplinary actions from 1901 to the end of the 44th Parliament in 2016—irrespective of whether Labor or the Coalition has been in Opposition (see Table 11).
That’s great news!
For charity, though so 🤷♀️
Do you have an IDee on the species of bee?
‘Multi-Account Containers’: https://support.mozilla.org/en-US/kb/containers
With it, you can open tabs in different ‘containers’, which have their own set of cookies, etc… So, for example, you can be logged into two accounts for the same website, just in different containers, or keep all your shopping accounts in one container (and set those sites to always open in that container) to reduce tracking and targeting.
This tweet reports a summary of his remarks: https://x.com/gazaheart/status/1823092772972433916?t=cSmsCSLd1YlDF6MCItAwFQ ( archive: https://archive.is/Uh611 )
Samah Sabawi
Here is what Jayson Gillham’s said on his Sunday August 11 performance that outraged @MelbSymphony 's Zionist donors. Two of the pieces Jayson played were a cry against injustice and oppression. The first was by Hungarian Jewish composer and holocaust survivor Ligeti. Jayson introduced the piece explaining how Ligeti was twice oppressed as a Hungarian in Romania and as a Jew and how he was forced into a labor camp and survived Auschwitz etc… The second piece was a last minute addition to the program, ‘Witness’ new work by Aust composer Connor D’Netto dedicated to the journalists of Gaza. Jayson introduced this piece by saying in the last 10 months Israel killed over 100 journalists a number were a targeted assassinations. This is a war crime. Journalists were targeted to prevent them from documenting and broadcasting of war crimes. Witness in Arabic means Shahid - from the same root word as Shaheed which means martyr. So there you have it. Two introductions one applauded the other might cost his career. This is what discrimination and privilege look like. #Palestine #MSO #Gaza #Israel #GazaGenocide
Archive link for those who don’t want to give Murdoch the clicks: https://web.archive.org/web/20240906110110/https://www.news.com.au/national/victoria/news/bollards-installed-in-melbourne-cbd-as-tens-of-thousands-antiwar-protesters-plan-blockade/news-story/6f0e9636a9d0d9f1f18369431f8ecf2c