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  • Rusty Raven M
    7 months ago

    After carefully mapping out plans and goals for my future and working out finances and lots of other things with those plans in mind Life has now interceded and turned everything upside down 🤣

    It looks like instead of staying where I am living now and moving in probably 10-12 years I will be moving very soon - probably within the year! Which is a positive thing, but it means there are a whole lot of things I though I had a decade to think about and organise that I need to work out now, and all my plans for the garden etc. need to be completely changed. My head is spinning thinking about all of the changes and things that need to be done. I think the next year is going to be very stressful, but once it is all sorted a lot of the long term stressors will be gone - Including the neighbour with the blackberry thicket and overgrowing trees!