Bot needs more coffee to stay awake long enough to post a thread. ☕

  • bull⚡
    1 year ago

    Oh yeah I have a bunch of others I’ve started. I need to get away from my computer chair though I think. Might think about going for an adventure.

    I actually bought and finished Detroit Become Human back when it came out. Pretty rare that I’d do that, especially back then because I didn’t play many games then. Only really started playing more when I upgraded my GPU on my PC to edit drone footage.

    There’s something I haven’t done for a while… taken the drone out. Not sure how wimdy it’ll be across the state this weekend though.

    • Duenan
      1 year ago

      I haven’t played much of Detriot but I did start the opening and not, was that rather intense for an introduction.

      I liked the setting as well since it was based in the future and then there’s the whole morality and AI debate but I haven’t gotten far into it.

      Tomorrow is forecasted to rain with heavy winds in the morning then calming down a bit for the rest of the day.

      Not sure how viable it is to fly a drone in those sorts of weather conditions?