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  • TassieTosser
    2 years ago

    The SAG is more than just the big-name celebs that come to mind when we think of “actors/actresses”. It also covers all the extras and up-and-coming talent who aren’t powerful enough to have negotiating power. One of the causes behind the strike are the parasites wanting to pay extras a day’s work ($187) to come in and get a full body scan done so they can continue to use their likeness in perpetuity.

    • landsharkkidd
      2 years ago

      Yeah, obviously you can’t feel sorry for the big name actors like Meryl Streep or Leonardo DiCaprio. But the actors who have to be on multiple shows or movies per day, per week just to break even. There’s an actor on a show (I forgot the name P Nation? I could be wrong) who got cheques in the mail from SAG and the royalties don’t even make $10USD. Like, yes, obviously the big name actors who weren’t out striking with the writers, sure. But the smaller ones, the extras, the ones who are trying to get even a speaking role, I do sympathise with them.

      I also obviously sympathise with the writers, as someone who is a writer myself, their concerns are 100% valid. Especially with AI, the amount of stories coming out of publishing magazines who have to shut down submissions because so many dickheads tried to get their story written by ChatGT and whatever else AI out there is staggering, so much that it affects writers who have never been published, or like me, have only been published in a few things here and there.

    • TinyBreak
      2 years ago

      Understand that. But this is the way its been for years. They’ve all been fine with the struggling actors living paycheck to paycheck for generations. NOW they care? Great. But like, where was that 10-20 years ago?