Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • TinyBreak
    11 months ago

    Not a good night. Baby woke up at 3, was hungry so he got fed. Then fussed for halfa before spewing (not just spitting up, full on projectile) over everything. Got him cleaned up then surprise, he was hungry again. Poor little fella is having a tough time adjusting to the new 6 month formula. Mrs was also feeling crook so now Im worried its gonna be a round of Gastro, but so far I’m fine.

    • melbaboutown
      11 months ago

      Does he potentially have any food allergies or intolerances to something in the new stuff? I’m not a parent so I apologise if this oversteps.

      Just throwing it out there as that can be sneaky and finding a sensitivity now could save a lot of pain.

      Edit: Having a look and apparently it doesn’t hurt them to stay on starter formula until 1 year old, so if he really has too bad a time adjusting you could have the option to revert to what was working. It seems the follow on formula may be higher in iron but I guess in this situation fed is best.

      A sibling also had a very relaxed sphincter at the top of their stomach and required thickened formula to help keep it down. If none of that works it’s paediatrician time

      • TinyBreak
        11 months ago

        I dont THINK so, its the same brand and everything so should be fine, but deffo keep an eye on it.