Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • melbaboutown
    11 months ago

    Does he potentially have any food allergies or intolerances to something in the new stuff? I’m not a parent so I apologise if this oversteps.

    Just throwing it out there as that can be sneaky and finding a sensitivity now could save a lot of pain.

    Edit: Having a look and apparently it doesn’t hurt them to stay on starter formula until 1 year old, so if he really has too bad a time adjusting you could have the option to revert to what was working. It seems the follow on formula may be higher in iron but I guess in this situation fed is best.

    A sibling also had a very relaxed sphincter at the top of their stomach and required thickened formula to help keep it down. If none of that works it’s paediatrician time

    • TinyBreak
      11 months ago

      I dont THINK so, its the same brand and everything so should be fine, but deffo keep an eye on it.