Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • PeelerSheila
    9 months ago

    Exercises completed. Loving the intense 5 minute workout, but I know it’ll get progressively longer. Did some shopping for Mr Ps birthday lunch/dinner tomorrow (he wants roast chicken) and some extra gifts and cards, gift wrap etc. Made sausage rolls when I got home, which I haven’t done in a while, while the Elder narrated The Walking Dead to me as I cooked. Elder loves my sausage rolls, I made them party sized and he had about 8 of them! Sent some in to MIL. Did a couple of loads of washing. Then showed Miniest how to make garlic butter and then turn rolls into garlic bread. She made me a coffee all by herself! 🥹 I tried to keep busy because I’m so used to working Fridays and I didn’t want to think about it too much. Mr P will go out for a smoke at some point and we’ll wrap the gifts… I love birthdays (with the one exception being my own. I just feel awkward, and then it seems to be over fairly quickly).