I am pleased to report I do not in fact have what you did. After last night’s meds and the healing honey and water drink and a dead, deep sleep I feel much better today. That coughing does not sound good :(
Doc said Tinyest just has a viral respiratory thing. Not the same one he started with, it’ll be a new one. Same symptoms. We just appear to still be sick, when really we’re sick with a new thing already. insane!
I think I have what you have. Coughing harder than when I had covid.
I am pleased to report I do not in fact have what you did. After last night’s meds and the healing honey and water drink and a dead, deep sleep I feel much better today. That coughing does not sound good :(
I too am pleased to know you successfully escaped.
Doc said Tinyest just has a viral respiratory thing. Not the same one he started with, it’ll be a new one. Same symptoms. We just appear to still be sick, when really we’re sick with a new thing already. insane!
oh nooo