Dissapointing. RustyDog had a similar issue when he had his teeth done, he went through the whole fasting bit and was at the vet waiting when it was called off and he had to come home again. At least you weren’t forced to skip breakfast unnecessarily.
Nooooooooooooooo!! Got a call from the dentists and the Dr has chucked a sickie on me, so now I don’t get my new teefs until Friday next week 😭 😭 😭
better than a crook dentist leaking snot into your open mouth though hey. God I got a cold shiver just typing that!
Dissapointing. RustyDog had a similar issue when he had his teeth done, he went through the whole fasting bit and was at the vet waiting when it was called off and he had to come home again. At least you weren’t forced to skip breakfast unnecessarily.