Technically they can citizens arrest you, but it’s such a massive legal can of worms that they’re told not to. Even during security guard training they basically told us it’s not worth whatever hassle comes of it. Plus if you feel you’re innocent, you can defend yourself against the crime of kidnapping using reasonable and proportionate force.
Our local shopping centre does employ some gung-ho looking security guards, but all they do is call the cops. Not like I’m trying to cause trouble, I just want to pay and leave without getting questioned.
Technically they can citizens arrest you, but it’s such a massive legal can of worms that they’re told not to. Even during security guard training they basically told us it’s not worth whatever hassle comes of it. Plus if you feel you’re innocent, you can defend yourself against the crime of kidnapping using reasonable and proportionate force.
Our local shopping centre does employ some gung-ho looking security guards, but all they do is call the cops. Not like I’m trying to cause trouble, I just want to pay and leave without getting questioned.
Basically unless they’ve seen you steal something and haven’t lost sight of you since it happened, they have very little legal right to detain you.