A thread for discussing the wild, whacky and utterly mundane of life in our isolated corner of the planet.
At some point today i intend to vote. Its gona happen.
How is it when you have no plans with kids, you still somehow end up run off your feet?
I don’t really know what ‘no plans with kids’ means. The kids always have stuff going on.
Managed a quarry climb with some friends on the Monday public holiday
Saw a cute owl
What’d you all get up to on the long weekend?
Oh my gosh, that owl looks so surprised! Is it surprised because its seen a human, or because its realised how late (early) its stayed up, we’ll never know.
In terms of long weekend, pretty feckin social in the end, little too social, Friends birthday, friends brunch, family arvo catchup, family walk, family bbq. The salad was a walnut, feta, spinach salad it was delish.
That is a lot of social!
Sounds like a worthy salad. Toasted nuts are my favourite salad improver.
Mmmm, i used to love doin a salad with pine nuts, too expensive though. Maybe when i’m a billionaire…
It sure doesn’t feel like autumn so far
It didn’t even hit 40⁰! 😃
Got lucky today, early on a colleague decided they weren’t dealing witht the heat and switched on the AC. Spent most of the day in the cool from then on. I’s pretty thankful come this arvo.
Does anyone feel like this state election is a lot more hotly contested than they have been in the past?
We’ve had a fully manned early polling booth up for a week and there’s been people doggedly handing out how to vote cards and the car park seems to be overrun every day.
We have a few scum bag candidates here in the Great Southern. The LNP candidate is loathsome, as is the one nation candidate but no surprises there I guess.
I had a bit of a grump about the candidate signage a few weeks ago. We have some local regulations limiting political sign placement but apparently the supreme court overruled the ability of local govts to regulate what political / temporary signs you can put on private property so here we are.
LNP guy has a caravan emblazoned with his nonsense parked on the highway.
Also lots of signs on public property but those seem to get taken down within 24 hours or so.
Is there any polling? Are we expecting an easy labor win or not really ?
If not for calls yesterday to help the school P&C democracy sausage stand today, I might have forgotten it was voting day. I knew it was coming up of course, just not that the big day was today.
I’d have remembered this afternoon when ABC news sent me a notification about it, but my experience has been that the election is an utter fizzle.
Wouldn’t say it’s felt hotly contested, almost the opposite. Like labor hasn’t bothered to campaign hard or present much of a plan
Same feeling for the other parties though so maybe I’m just not paying attention
I have hardly paid attention myself. I see lots of ads on YouTube but that’s about it and I ignored them. My early voting place had nobody but it was on a shopping centre so maybe they weren’t allowed.
I did see the greens setting up today in the city outside the early voting place that wasn’t there last week. Makes sense with all the lunch time voters I guess.
As for polling, I think Antony Green already thinks it’s a Labor win but by less than previous years.
Yeah, our early polling place is at a shopping centre. It was a bit excessive this afternoon. Corflutes everywhere.
Imma give this blatant c/Melbourne ripoff a whirl. They should feel complimented, if anything. :-)
At least we’ll get quality traffic reports from Nath. Never know whats gona flip on these roads!.. its usually the bird.
Best wishes in building a friendly community for idle anonymous chats. Even though we’re officially mostly strangers in the melb chat - to me - it really feels like the early days of Facebook or livejournal where people can share their wins losses and thoughts without all the algorithms and marketing that’ve muscled into such spaces.