Without any bias whatsoever, i think the first Aussie fast trains should be on the West Coast. Probably just a shortish line from Augusta to Geraldton. ;)
Without any bias whatsoever, i think the first Aussie fast trains should be on the West Coast. Probably just a shortish line from Augusta to Geraldton. ;)
You got me interested. Had a read of a random article on them, here you hit the nail on the head with the idea about torque.
Seems the expense, charging time, and distance travelled on one charge combine to hold them back.
Hmm, good read.
I understand people in the Government are looking at this battery company as a consumer facing battery retailer, i think thats the wrong perspective to take with these sorts of companies.
They’re more like the future essential energy providers, analogous to a coal power station unexpectedly shutting down, sometimes public ownership of these resources needs to be taken to ensure smooth energy system functioning. I wonder if the Government even considered buying it to keep it going.
Its sad that all this technology thats been developed is now going to be sold off, probably to US companies, and yet again Australian’s hard work gets taken to US shareholders with only a slither of the value created by the work remaining or re-entering Australia.
George Orwell knew what was up.
Hmm, i wonder if they’re out of business completely or in receivership, its not that uncommon for the business to survive in some form from receivership.
Totally agree, people, especially Australians, need to change our attitudes to our current flight systems, be it the high emissions technology, or an overall reduction in flight hours per person.
Years ago i listened to a course on energy. I might have to look up the details, but he said the absolute worst common use vehicle for emissions is jet ski’s. I think he meant in regards weight to fuel expenditure ratio.
Her birth name is Ussan? That explains a lot!
Snakes! I hate snakes! Even if they’re only 30cm long. I’m glad someones looking out for them.
Why not have a day that we can all celebrate?
Yep. It’d be nice.
Not outdated, just different to yours.
Its not useful to the vandals cause, whether sov-cits or Indigenous Australians, i’ve assumed its the latter in the rest of this comment.
I want to underline that i think there’s a place in Nation State democracies for civil disobedience, and violence as well to be used, just not in this case.
For the indigenous cause against aussie/invasion day its not the best way forward. You just create culture war fodder for powerful cunts to divide the nation with, especially in times of political stress.
The arguments that have taken this day from a July 4th-esque euphoric celebratory day to a quieter celebration are the civil arguments about the divisiveness about the date. It attacks the concept, not people, and thats something everybody can engage with, not become defensive against.
To boot, this argument is winning, every year Australia day comes round theres less flags, theres less parties, theres less of a thing made about the day.
As an example look at Dutton’s red meat to the base, ‘i won’t stand in front of a flag, mate!’, in the lead up to today. Didn’t exactly set the world on fire, it was pathetic and shallow.
Yeah, i don’t understand that. Pretty sure Phillip was the terra nulious proponent, so it boggles the mind why you’d go after a Cook statue before the Phillip statue if you’re indigenous Australian. Which means you’re probably right.
Yeah, maybe if it was the words on its own, but also knocking off Rudds head? That doesn’t make much sense.
My first thought was aussie day related, but Rudd is a PM who actually did something meaningful, symbolic, but still meaningful.
Interesting, judging by who was taken, and the words, “the commonwealth will fall” sounds like maybe sov cits?
Its not like these things sit around like carrots on the ground. It seems essentially a process of industrial scale hunting and gathering.
I find it hilarious that he attempted a run at party leadership without even holding a seat. You just know that he’ll try again if he wins.
It was funny, for sure! But i think it was probably the right choice for him personally, and the party generally to try.
The Liberals in WA haven’t covered themselves in glory, the factional infighting i think is ready to termite internal stability, Mettam appears weak every time she does a populist backflip, and they continue to appear as the minor party in a Nats-Lib coalition. Whether thats the case or not, the perception hurts them.
And then theres the WA Nationals, who’ve performed better, Mia Davies seems to keep her nose clean, and by all accounts was quite effective. The only annoyance is the constant badgering to find wedge issues to drive community division for electoral gains. Its crappy, because it means they ain’t selling much policy wise, but they at least know the game they’re playing.
I know its growing in WA, but the farmers i’ve met are part of their family run farms.
Theres only one person i know who has left their family farm to work for a corporate farm. If i remember right he’s doing it for the experience, something linked to his degree which was pretty niche, but i can’t remember anymore.
I haven’t made it past the beer yet…
Next time i’m down there i’ll get myself more organised.
What on earth are they talking about? These guys are obfuscating and talking in circles as much as the politicians they always criticise. The straight talking farmer stereotype can go out the window.
At the end of their comments, all I know is,
The PGA is missing money, someones done something, but no member is in the wrong.
And, the WAfarmers President seems to know its serious enough to threaten the PGA’s existence.
Security and policing is a classic they can always draw on, and knowing Bas, he’ll go for that.
They’d be silly not to do something on housing and cost of living, although i predict they’ll have no better policies.
I don’t know, i think the Nats have plenty of scare campaigns, keep the sheep, guns, train lines (maybe a tortured angle after the announcement early this week).
People in WA might be satisfied enough atm that Liberals need to demonstrate they at least can be an effective opposition first, before presenting themselves as a ‘government in waiting’ to the State.
Put Uluru on a giant crane you reckon? I can see problems with that :)