I do remember reading that things had improved, i hope thats the case.
Ha! I should’ve learned by now theres always a redhead just around the corner, but i haven’t!
That one apprentice who can’t get their qualification because they can’t master the subtle art of leaving wire offcuts everywhere.
Okay, sure. Our only difference is we’re working off different meanings of truth for this.
Truth needs to be verifiable in these situations, otherwise it can’t be established and actionable.
Even if someone is telling the truth, if they cannot prove that truth, the ‘rest’ (other people) cannot rely on it.
Edit: so the definition of truth i’m working from agrees with your demand for these situations to have verifiable facts.
Hahaha, i know a few people like this.
Its so funny to me to see them lathering up on a cloudy day. I get it, and know its necessary, but it can still be funny to see the sunscreen come out on days most people wouldn’t think about it.
it looks like this lines up with the general population of renters vs owners
Hmm, not sure that’d be correct. Don’t have time to look, but last i saw renting population is around 1/3 of housing population.
I think the research presented in this article targeted parents, a subset of the general population. Given parents these days are older, and more established, i would assume the share of the parent set has ‘parents renting < 1/3’ (less than 1/3) renters.
I assume this because younger people are massively over-represented in the rental category, and they are less likely to have children.
It really isn’t as hard as you imagine.
Government functionary bodies, enforce legislated demands for truth in national life all the time, ACCC (consumer protection laws, advertising), ASIC (company reporting), Fuel regs (notice those little check signs on each bowser), nutritional standards, and all the others, finally AEC already has responsibilities in this area, just not in the whole time period, which is what this article is about.
A tiny amount of the cases these regulatory bodies deal with ever end up in court. Even the mention of further action gets compliance in more cases than not. You could describe the presence and continuance of this system as a positive example of a chilling effect.
In this case, the mere presence of our system, acting against misleading and lying behaviour, acts as deterence in itself.
Backing this up with a predictable and ascending order of approbium, corrections and punishments reinforces the expectations of the functionality of the system.
Hahaha, so joyfully useless!
Its okay, Dutton wears glasses now.
I used to work with a lady who could whistle like it was a summery bird. She was one of the more pleasant people i’ve worked alongside in my life.
So you could be that guy in the movie who starts the slow clap, and also that guy in the movie whose clap is only earned when everyone else is cheering.
Somebody call hollywood, Stat!
When you say hold, what do you mean?
Like furrowing your forehead and holding it in the creases? Or is it more of a balance type situation?
Do you pick it up with your forehead as well, or does this thing need finger loading?
What part/s of the pencil can be held, is it the side? Dull end? Sharp end?
Please answer this.
Maybe your one of those local famous people everyone in town knows about, but nobody from out of town has ever heard about, you might be called, the red-line throat singer, the train seat growler…
I think the Unions are still big enough to deal with the threat of frivolous defo suits. Or, more importantly, they’re large enough that the wealthy have to think twice.
Facebook/insta campaign with an ad featuring each one of these statistics targetted at parents in all demographics could be a next step to really drive the message.
Lol, i’ve not read about that place in a while, but if i remember it wasn’t a salt water to fresh water issue they had. So, not sure this approach will help much.
Okay, so what we need to get these laws passed is the Unions to come up with false and misleading advertisements about Dutton, the Nationals, and Albanese, in the next week or two before this next election is called, and sit back and watch the amendments sail through with the full support of the opposition.
“If the Unions are doing it, it must be wrong!” Some Liberal staffer, probably.
Ooh, i’s gona stick with the classic combo, salt and vinegar, but maybe i should branch out, live a little as they say!
Had that last week, my partner says no to having it every week :( A little jealous of this.
I think they want to persuade you that the Greens have a nefarious plan to turn all the old telstra phone boxes into streetside change rooms.