Better vote for those guys that want to do nuclear because that’ll totally be cheap and quick to build.
Better vote for those guys that want to do nuclear because that’ll totally be cheap and quick to build.
And you get to hang out in a library… That’s awesome
Two weeks post op tomorrow (งツ)ว
I really enjoyed season 1. Was hoping they’d see it through but they did drop the expanse. Not exactly known for good judgement Books are worth it then?
Recently finished and also enjoyed it. Do you know when the next captives war is due out?
Pretty sure the paper/ebook of 5 should be released early Jan. He always does a thing with Kindle for audiobook only for 6 months so they cover the narrator costs
To be fair, they at least want to end negative gearing, capital gains discount and ensure companies pay their fair share of tax.
There’s better options but I’ll still preference them over the major parties
Well fuck…
Every time you think Americans aren’t going to fuck up the easy choice they find a way to surprise
I thought this one was also to do with their power being on a lower voltage so Kettles take longer?
But it’s still super weird. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
USA trying to improve the electoral system!? Shocked Pikachu face
Surprisingly good news
Our preferential voting also helps to drag the main parties towards the middle too. But that seems unlikely to ever get in over there since it’d allow more than two parties
Don’t think I’ve seen Foundation or Silo mentioned yet.
Maybe sense8? Much like the expanse it takes a while to get going
3 body problem
2006 release?
Haven’t seen it but I’ll check it out and get back to you!
Does Joseph’s machines count as low tech?
Or do you mean more primitive tech?
I’m in a small block of units and can’t get it 😔
It’s my favourite movie but people either seem to love or hate it.
Started reading the book afterwards but didn’t make it through the second half of the post apocalypse future story.
Usually recommend it to people since very few have seen it
Never smoked, have lung disease and it triggers me so hard to see people fuck up the healthy lungs they were born with.
Weed smell stinks but it’s better than tobacco at least. Nice that it has an edible option too.
Sad to see loss of progress on smoking rates
Sad situation. Aleksa and Alex putting out excellent content as usual. Glad they’re covering it
Probably Cloud Atlas
It was a commercial failure so it’s usually one that people haven’t already seen.
Talented cast and directors passionate about the project.
It’s extremely divisive, most people either love it or think it was a waste of time.
Wonder how the libs will try to scare campaign this time since it doesn’t feel like labor have done much with their “total control”.
Other than building train lines and the upper house changes I guess