I’m watching that show Severance on apple and it made me think of how the characters take their trauma from personal life into the work world and the trauma from the work world into their personal life world
they get tortured at work n/k ☹️
hence some more motivation to read that book
and I just finished reading “Bully in Sight” and I am surprised how much reading the case histories affected me . I can usually be quite detached when reading. Hope I’m ok reading that Bessel book.
I’m watching that show Severance on apple and it made me think of how the characters take their trauma from personal life into the work world and the trauma from the work world into their personal life world
they get tortured at work n/k ☹️
hence some more motivation to read that book
and I just finished reading “Bully in Sight” and I am surprised how much reading the case histories affected me . I can usually be quite detached when reading. Hope I’m ok reading that Bessel book.