• just_kitten
    2 months ago

    So Severance aside I started watching this TV show called The Pitt, which is kind of like prestige/HBO ER in the modern day, …

    no spoilers just comments

    … Yes, some of the writing is a bit trite and the format is possibly better watched in one shot rather than weekly (each hour tracks an actual hour in the day of the ER. It’s really easy to forget what’s going on amidst all the medical lingo). But a lot of the interactions around the seemingly simpler cases are so fascinating. Really tight character work and great acting developing the ensemble cast while keeping some things a mystery to find out later.

    And then there’s the real heartbreaking tearjerkers - the sibling pair with the elderly dad is absolutely wrecking me, especially this last episode 😭 I keep thinking what those conversations would be like when it’s my mum’s time to go and I am overcome with grief that it would be so much colder, and harder to forgive her for so much, and without the strong sibling bond…

    I dunno if I can wait till the end of the season to watch all the rest at once even though that’s how I’d prefer to enjoy it. I guess I’ll think of it as my weekly Emotional Release Show.

    Alright, time to have a break and then get into the mind bending world of Lumon

    • underwatermagpies
      2 months ago

      I loved ER and this is from the same team (and has Dr Carter!). I’m super keen to watch it but sticking to my “one streaming platform at a time” rule, maybe in a month or two.

      • just_kitten
        2 months ago

        My recommendation is wait until it’s almost finished and then binge a couple episodes a day. Because of the real-time format it makes me really want to watch it all at one go.

        (I’m only watching whatever I want on any platform because of this creaky ship with a bottle of rum…)