These could stand to be more common knowledge. This is a quick skim and not an exhaustive list so check your area and see if each organisation has a service I didn’t mention.
I may edit for more info so check back.
Anyone who is struggling can get food for their pet
POTH (Pets Of The Homeless)
Not only for the homeless but for anyone in financial hardship. Requires a referral from a case manager. Food, help with veterinary care, temporary crisis foster/boarding (they mind your pet for a while in an emergency and you get your pet back)
Each community partner may have specific criteria for accessing support, e.g Must live in the local area or have a concession card so you might want to check.
Pet Pantry
Food. Free desexing of the mother pet on surrendering the whole litter of kittens/puppies. Free parasite control for dogs (treatments sent via mail)
Lort Smith
Discounts for veterinary care for pensioners. Payment plans.
Emergency foster - requires genuine crisis and referral from a case worker
Lort Smith/Launch Pilot program helping pets get into crisis accommodation and rentals along with owners. I can’t find much about this so not sure if it exists yet or no longer exists. Definitely try to check it out anyway.
Lort Smith/Good Shepherd Emergency no interest loans of up to $2000 for veterinary costs. Must be arranged before payment
RSPCA Disaster assistance
Thanks for posting this. I have two very big sacks of fussy cat cat food I can donate to the humaneanimalrescue
Lort Smith will take towels and sheets as donations too FWIW. I worked in the laundry a bit. Caged animals get a towel as a toilet pad, it gets switched regularly. The Parvo room gets sheets which get burnt after use.