Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 17°C, max - 29°C. 95% chance of no rain

  • Seagoon_
    7 days ago

    these are accusations of serious crimes

    let’s wait for the trial , ( I’m a fan of putting people in prison )

    regarding his books , I read Sandman among other books, gives the rape scenes a bit more context , 🤨 hence the accusations don’t surprise me.

    ( 30 minutes later, can’t get that Sandman book out of my head now. In the book the main character buys a Muse, a Greek goddess who inspires. He constantly rapes her and his writer’s block is overcome. 100% of Gaiman’s work is inspired by evil 🤮 )

    the question is, who covered for him, who allowed him to get away with it for so long ,

    what to do with the books , no idea, no one will want them

    a good use would be burning in a wood stove this winter, otherwise, land fill