Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • just_kitten
    1 year ago

    Folks it’s my last Sunday night for a long time before I have to work on Monday. Wish me luck in clearing out the remaining tasks over the last 3 days. Starting a bit early tonight to get ahead of one task (need to concentrate and get the code right), before I focus on the next big thing tomorrow that will require much more strategic thinking

    E: good old brain. Flails around subconsciously for days and then when I finally sit down in the right frame of mind, the solution comes to me in a brilliant stroke and a relatively simple SQL query pulls everything together. Fuck yeah SQL saving me from doing this shit the hard way, or god forbid, having to learn an actual programming language

    E2: glory hallelujah what I thought would take 4 hours took 40 minutes and nothing complicated at all.