Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 23°C, max - 38°C. 90% chance of no rain


  • PeelerSheila
    4 days ago

    I forgot to post something bird related! My tribute today is to the Maggies and ravens in my street, I love watching their morning antics and their little society. And the birds which raised a baby in a nest they made in the back of my staghorn. Also the pigeon that lives in the supermarket. Smart bird, it’s always cool in there and there’s plenty of food. They’ve tried to shoo it out but it’s way too clever, bobs under the aisle into the next aisle away from its pursuers lol. There are black and yellow cockies that come every year exactly at the time the pine trees in the local park have young pinecones. If you’re not careful you’ll end up copping a projectile from above.