Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 23°C, max - 38°C. 90% chance of no rain


  • LowExperience2368
    4 days ago

    Is this a smart meter? I wanna get one of those.

    Yeah, the moment it’s bearable I switch it off too. But then I wonder if turning it on and off stops being efficient at a certain point.

    • BakuOP
      4 days ago

      Yep! I think the idea is that everyone will have one by 2030. For me it actually works out well, because I have no clue where my power Maine/metre is. I’ve got a switchboard/circuit breaker box inside, but I don’t have a metre anywhere on my property. I’m guessing they’re probably all located on a wall at unit number 1 or something, as from what I can see, my neighbours don’t have one either

      It’s pretty neat, although I can only access my usage data the day after. I’m pretty sure data is reported to them hourly, but my supplier just chooses to only tell me about it the next day. Having a smart metre also means you can get a little sensor installed that monitors your live energy usage and reports it back to your phone in near real time. You generally need to be in close proximity to it though, so it wouldn’t work for me being on the other side of the lot

      Well worth it though! Don’t fight them if they want to install one for you!