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  • Seagoon_
    7 days ago

    Get Back comment #3. Hey, it was 8 hrs of doco.

    Throw away preconceptions and what other people have written, look at it with your own eyes.

    Four men. One bloke so happy and cheerful and feeling like he can do anything because he is in a new happy relationship. He wants his mates to share that feeling and the only way he knows how is to get them all back together and reexperience those same kind feelings from when they first had success.

    Another guy who just a bad brush with the law and whose wife just lost a baby. She’s has post natal depression hormones. She’s an immigrant from a vastly different culture and in my opinion needs her family. They are both clinically depressed but both trying hard because they really do love their happy mate.

    The other two, so very talented and hardworking. Burnt out from hard work, huge changes and stressors that would break anybody ( like not being able to walk down a street without being mobbed ) . They are annoyed at happy bloke for being condescended to.

    The happy bloke just didn’t have the perception or people skills to get his band back together.

    All the people around them, the staff, they weren’t friends and weren’t going to say anything.

    This is a brilliant doco about people.

    4 hobbits

    ps, they showed yoko doing some calligraphy, she’s very good. n/k

    • Seagoon_
      6 days ago

      Soo, sadly Paul just couldn’t get the band back together.

      This doco was so very good, after watching I felt I knew them. I know that’s not possible but it’s how I felt.