• Rusty Raven M
    2 months ago

    It is definitely frustrating. Some people don’t seem to have the skills to be able to organise a time to get things. I’m not sure if it is a communication issue or an inability to commit to anything in advance but I’ve had a few people that seem interested but just don’t seem to be able to make a time.

    • just_kitten
      2 months ago

      I feel like many people treat FBM as window shopping - they like the thrill of inquiring about buying something and pretending they have it but then don’t bother committing to picking it up.

      I’ve had a few wins so far and pocketed some cash which is nice. I can see why people do a whole side hustle with this - though the cons would outweigh the pros for me pretty fast heh.

      I realise I should’ve gotten an idea of what I needed to cull a lot earlier though. Thankfully my angel of a friend has offered to let me dump all the crap at hers so it can be flogged/hard rubbished/sent to the tip.