You know how sometimes when you’re hungry you can open your mouth and saliva fires out from your salivary glands under your tongue like a friggin venom spitting snake? Usually happens at the worst times and a loved one might catch a stray. I might be nuts but I think I can do that on command. Is that normal?
You know how sometimes when you’re hungry you can open your mouth and saliva fires out from your salivary glands under your tongue like a friggin venom spitting snake? Usually happens at the worst times and a loved one might catch a stray. I might be nuts but I think I can do that on command. Is that normal?
Some of us can gleek at any time.
Nornal? Subjective. But it’s a thing people can do
I used to be able to do it on command as a kid for a while. Like Spiderman but with saliva. And from under my tongue
I’ve been able to do it on command since I was about 7…
We used to call that “gleeking”