Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • Outlier1031
    1 year ago

    So I’ve been talking a lot about my recent bouts with anxiety which stem from an issue occurring at work. No one probably remembers me posting about this but my boss wanted me to fire someone without following correct fair work process and while i managed to put that fire out other stuff has eventuated because of it which has been cause for my anxiety.

    Anyway this morning I woke up to a life preserver from the universe in the form of a hefty tax return that is enough for me to live off for a couple of months if i decide to quit my current role. I’ve already started applying for jobs and my plan would be to give 2 weeks notice which will give a nice boost to my savings. So I think I’m going to go ahead and quit. Hopefully I will have something lined up in the couple of weeks but if not i’ll at least have some savings to dip into.

    • Duenan
      1 year ago

      I think I actually remember your situation you had where your boss wanted you to basically be responsible for letting go of someone but you ended up taking some advice and framing it in a way to your boss that the process of it all was more of a detriment and that it also shouldn’t fall on your shoulders as it’s not your responsibility either.

      • Outlier1031
        1 year ago

        Yeah that was it! I ended up having a conversation with the employee as my boss insisted on giving him a written warning despite my advice to just go a letter of concern and make it an informal warning. I was just honest with him about the whole situation and he’s contacted fair work . I have a feeling when my boss returns from leave in a few days, she going to be pissed at me and from what I’ve been told from other staff who have been at this business a while, she can be very vindictive when she feels crossed by people. I’m too old to put up with that shit so I’m probably going to give notice this week or next.

        • Duenan
          1 year ago

          Just remember to document everything in case you need to rely on it or on fair work.

          Nothing worse than someone vindictive but she doesn’t sound like she’ll do it in a smart way either.