• Bottom_racer
    2 months ago

    Since the cold swims the last few years at this time of year have been very confusing body-wise.

    It’s getting to the in between temp where the brown fat activates and deactivates on and off. So you actually feel colder if it warms up a bit but when the temp drops it kicks back in.

    It’s interesting stuff:


    In that article it talks about needing to be cold a few times a week, but I’ve found it still works weeks / months between cold swims.

    Also in light of being told just the other day about whatever genetic problem I might have relating to high cholesterol decided to go down the rabbit hole and it turns out brown fat reduces hypercholesterolaemia.


    So there you go. Something that started out as something ‘fun’ to do turns out it’s a big area of research, and might even prolong my time on this god-forsaken rock and I never would’ve known otherwise.