• StudSpud The Starchy
    1 month ago

    I have an undercut, mainly because my hair is so thick I overheat easily. If I wear my hair down you cannot really tell I have one lol.

    Most people didn’t mind, my dad and his side didn’t care in the slightest, and I couldn’t care less what mum thinks lol (I’m no contact anyway these days).

    Workplaces haven’t cared at all, as long as it’s neat and clean, of course.

    3 times I have shaved it down to the skin/light fuzz, usually after I had been dyeing my hair (10+ yrs black, shaved, pink/red/purple, shaved, then a blonde streak in my fringe, then shaved), and the most anyone has said was “omg do you have cancer” 😑😅 and I just said no, just wanted to shave it after dyeing so the hair grows back healthy.

    • AJ Sadauskas@aus.social
      1 month ago

      @StudChud My three big concerns with getting a full shave are how it will look, how work will react, and random dickheads. That, and it’s getting a bit chilly this time of the year.

      How did people at your work react to the shave?

      And did you get many randos making comments about it?

      • StudSpud The Starchy
        1 month ago

        I had one meth head say I should smile more, but I think that was unrelated to my hair, (told him to get fucked).

        People at work asked why, but that was early 2010s. When I’ve done it more recently, I just had colleagues/bosses say they liked it and it suited me 🤷‍♀️ so no negativity when I’ve done it.

        If you do it this time of year, have a scarf and you can hoist it up to keep your scalp warm, or a beanie. I tend to do a big cut or shave at the start of summer.