So a tradie I had over yesterday decided to chuck a fair bit of rubble / building material into the household waste. Would’ve weighed 40kg-ish and that likely wouldn’t have been collected this morning.
there I am at 10pm in the driveway with the bin on its side shovelling it out into pots. The sensor light isn’t the best so you sort of have to give it a good wave so it turns on.
Anyway dude across the street is a psychiatrist… who witnessed me waving enthusiastically at the sensor several times between taking a shovel to a bin…
At least he attempted clean up. The tradies I get just walk away from all the mess. Including their empty coffee cups, lunch scraps etc. have had to chase my dog to extract a mouldy sandwich before. (There’s an obvious rubbish bin close by)
My strong suspicion is that a lot of the asbestos that has shown up in park mulch lately has been because some tradies have dumped a bunch of building waste in a green bin somewhere.
So a tradie I had over yesterday decided to chuck a fair bit of rubble / building material into the household waste. Would’ve weighed 40kg-ish and that likely wouldn’t have been collected this morning.
there I am at 10pm in the driveway with the bin on its side shovelling it out into pots. The sensor light isn’t the best so you sort of have to give it a good wave so it turns on.
Anyway dude across the street is a psychiatrist… who witnessed me waving enthusiastically at the sensor several times between taking a shovel to a bin…
He asked if I was okay which was nice.
At least he attempted clean up. The tradies I get just walk away from all the mess. Including their empty coffee cups, lunch scraps etc. have had to chase my dog to extract a mouldy sandwich before. (There’s an obvious rubbish bin close by)
You don’t want to know about some of the toileting stories from building sites!
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@Baku @Mittens_meow I just want to add something here.
My strong suspicion is that a lot of the asbestos that has shown up in park mulch lately has been because some tradies have dumped a bunch of building waste in a green bin somewhere.
That’s just a bunch and I could be wrong.
But it really wouldn’t surprise me either.