• Thornburywitch
    10 months ago

    Slow cooking goat is def the best for a 1st time as it’s usually pretty light on for internal fat. Go heavy on the flavourings too. The texture is lovely - a little bit more chewy than lamb but still succulent. I like it baked middle eastern style in yoghurt with spices and almond meal mixed in to the yog. Slow cook to begin with, but for the last hour take the lid off and baste with the liquid which forms a lovely creamy/spicy crust around the leg. The meat inside will be incredibly tender and juicy too.

    Rabbit is nice when done well, but it’s very easy to stuff it up. The meat is very lean, and has a distinctive flavour. I like to joint it, wrap each piece in bacon/prosciutto and then stew it slowly in diced tomato (tinned) with sauteed onion etc. The bacon makes the meat go a nice pink color - if you don’t wrap it in bacon or something like it the meat cooks up grey and does not look nice. The I slip the meat from the bones and use as a pie filling - rabbit pie is food of the gods. I would not recommend roasting it to begin with - very hard to get the timing right and you have to baste every few minutes it feels like. Wild rabbit can be spiced up to the nines and maybe should be. Domestic rabbit is a bit more forgiving.

    Duck is a whole other ball game - maybe go asian as there’s a lot of recipies from those cuisines.