Treat yourself to something nice today. You deserve it. xxx

  • Duenan
    1 year ago

    I just spent 38 mins on hold to get more information and hung up.

    Guess I’ll have to try again later this week. Already spent my entire lunch break on the line with them.

    I guess I was more worried about what I’d lose with my main hospital cover and not so much my extras.

    • SituationCake
      1 year ago

      Maybe the call centre is office hours only? Another thing to note, is you can buy hospital cover and extras cover from different insurers if you find this is a better deal. No obligation to have it at the same place. Another thing to note is for extras, for a lot of people it’s not good value. Eg if you don’t wear glasses, don’t have hearing aids, no orthodontic work needed, the only thing left is dental. Emergency dental can cost heaps, but often the policies can be limited in what they cover and how much you would get back, so you may be better off just ensuring you have the money put away rather than paying for the insurance. Check the details against what you think your dental expenses would be.

      • Rusty Raven M
        1 year ago

        I signed up for extras again as I have some major dental work coming up that should make it worthwhile, and have been tracking how much I am getting back. This year I have maxed out the optometrist benefits on a pair of glasses, had a full checkup and clean followed by four fillings (one of which was quite extensive) and it still hasn’t repaid the cost of a years cover.