Anyone got breadmaker recs? His Lordship hath discovered if one decomissions an old appliance, one should do so after buying a motherfucking replacement honestly dipshit why did you do that???
We do a lot of pizza dough, some of it quite dense, so looking for one with the kind of paddle you uusually only see at Pride. Or with YAOI branded on it.
I would love a bread machine with a container that’s actually shaped like a bread loaf! All the ones I’ve seen have this weird tall thing so the bread loaf is not shaped right.
In a pinch you just breadmake to the second rise, then shape and plonk in a pan of your own delight and finish off in the oven. Bonus: you don’t get paddle holes
Recently bought the Breville Bakers Dozen model. Haven’t used it or the various options enough to give it a full rec, but so far so good. Although I agree with that I was expecting the tin to be more loaf-shaped than it is.
We’re looking at brevilles since they seem to have avoided the Cheap Chinese Manufacturing of Suck that most reputation brands have long descended into, but there seems to be issues with the collapsible paddles. Bad idea all around
i have a kitchenaid but i just mix pizza dough by hand (1-2KG flour at a time) in a large cambro tub, just using the ken forkish’s “flour water salt yeast” methods. if you autolyse the dough and use 70%+ hydration its pretty easy to do by hand.
I was gonna say you can still do that, but I forgot that I’m the peasant machine getting the slowed proofed dough out of the fridge in the middle of the night so it doesn’t walk all over the bench, and chucking it in the preheated oven at some ungodly hour to get back out of bed 45 minutes later to beautiful fresh sourdough. That’s me. I’m the peasant machine. But it’s sooo gooood. I do have an old bread machine that I now use to make jam in.
Anyone got breadmaker recs? His Lordship hath discovered if one decomissions an old appliance, one should do so after buying a motherfucking replacement honestly dipshit why did you do that???
We do a lot of pizza dough, some of it quite dense, so looking for one with the kind of paddle you uusually only see at Pride. Or with YAOI branded on it.
I would love a bread machine with a container that’s actually shaped like a bread loaf! All the ones I’ve seen have this weird tall thing so the bread loaf is not shaped right.
In a pinch you just breadmake to the second rise, then shape and plonk in a pan of your own delight and finish off in the oven. Bonus: you don’t get paddle holes
Yeah true, I just always hoped for a bread maker that would do it start to finish!
There are ones with tins shaped like a loaf, but they’re all very elongated and hard to store.
Recently bought the Breville Bakers Dozen model. Haven’t used it or the various options enough to give it a full rec, but so far so good. Although I agree with that I was expecting the tin to be more loaf-shaped than it is.
We’re looking at brevilles since they seem to have avoided the Cheap Chinese Manufacturing of Suck that most reputation brands have long descended into, but there seems to be issues with the collapsible paddles. Bad idea all around
The unit we have has a (surprisingly small) solid metal paddle that works fine. Removable for cleaning.
i have a kitchenaid but i just mix pizza dough by hand (1-2KG flour at a time) in a large cambro tub, just using the ken forkish’s “flour water salt yeast” methods. if you autolyse the dough and use 70%+ hydration its pretty easy to do by hand.
If its just for dough, a mixer might be a better option.
pondering that as well, but I like the option of “MAKE ME BREAD FOR MORNING, PEASANT MACHINE”
I was gonna say you can still do that, but I forgot that I’m the peasant machine getting the slowed proofed dough out of the fridge in the middle of the night so it doesn’t walk all over the bench, and chucking it in the preheated oven at some ungodly hour to get back out of bed 45 minutes later to beautiful fresh sourdough. That’s me. I’m the peasant machine. But it’s sooo gooood. I do have an old bread machine that I now use to make jam in.
I have a Panasonic YR2550and its been working great. Use it every week for quick and easy bread in the mornings.