Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • Bottom_racer
    11 months ago

    Honestly that kitty is an arsehole which is rare but fuck that kitty.

    • Taleya
      11 months ago

      Eh, cats bite and claw, and they hurt way more than is reasonable and you can get weirdly upset over it. It’s normal.

      Also all cats are areseholes, you just go with it.

      • Bottom_racer
        11 months ago

        true but nooo not every cat. My old abby never got the crazies. small sample size but I still miss her :(

        • Taleya
          11 months ago

          Cerys will viciously groom you when her attack drive triggers, and is an absolute sweetheart. She still ripped my left nipple in half once when someone startled her when she was sitting on my chest.

          Punkin is the most gorgeous boy on the face of the planet with naught but purrs for all humans but he still bites his sister’s arse.

          I ain’t touchin’ the subject of Misha, who is bitch queen empress of all and you’d better recognise. She’s rather like someone cross bred the self esteem and power of lizzo with the innate cuntishness of brick top.

    • just_kitten
      11 months ago

      It’s a stray cat, they live by different rules. I have been away for too long to read them. Over here neighbourhood cats range from almost indistinguishable from domestic house cat (dumped by owners), to basically feral.


      There used to be lots of nice ones near my mum’s place, one would jump onto your lap if you got friendly and it loved a good flank-thumping, and there was a lovable orange one who always waited for me when I came home and demanded to be let in and would go crazy for my sandals and chill out inside on its own cushion, sometimes for hours, once even overnight without a pee break (my mum is normally adamant about not letting cats in but she had to relent). When I was a kid at our old place we had this trio of black cats outside the apartment compound who were always reliable for lifting your mood after a shit day at school, one would keep flopping itself on my feet to stop me from leaving.

      But I think over covid all the nice ones got adopted and now even the cattos near my mum’s place are all rather mean (even to the people who feed them).

      I think bitey cat from yesterday used to be more feral but got a little more pally with humans… up to a point. Different rules. Raw cat. Heck the person I was visiting who was cuddling the cat had his own battle scars from getting to know his furry friend.