• PeelerSheila
    1 year ago

    G’day! Felt a bit guilty about not doing my workout yesterday on account of being absolutely stuffed from work and crashing early. Woke up to do it this morning and discovered that yesterday was a scheduled rest day! So it’s day 4 and I’ve done my exercises. I feel different in a way I can’t put my finger on, sort of a teensy bit fitter. Probably psychosomatic but it works for me!

    Taking the Mini Peelers to Melbourne Central today, looks like a nice one out there!

    • Rusty Raven M
      1 year ago

      You do get improvements very quickly when you first start an exercise program - a lot of it is your muscles learning to work together and coordinate better. The other part of improvement is actual muscle development, and you will often notice that most after a rest day. When you exercise you actually damage and break down your muscles a bit, and the body responds by rebuilding them better than before. So the rest is vital periodically to make sure your body has the capacity to rebuild.