Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • bull⚡
    11 months ago

    Mini rant: Went for a drive last night down to St Kilda to claim a free small sundae as I had a monopoly ticket thingo, figured it’s a nice night out so why not? Got to the drive-thru and the lady asks what I want “Just a small chocolate sundae please, I have a monopoly ticket for it”, “Ok check your order on the screen and drive to the window”. I note the $3 next to the item but continue to the window thinking it’ll get wiped when I hand over the ticket. I pull up and she passes the eftpos-on-a-stick out and I offer her the monopoly ticket. She takes a moment to buffer then says “you didn’t give me the code at the speaker” (not a requirement) and I says “I told you I had a monopoly ticket” and she says “you didn’t give me the code, can you just use it next time?” and I says “I was really hoping to use it now… it’s why I came here” and then she took another moment to buffer, said something into her headset (I only caught the word monopoly) and then cancelled the transaction and did it properly, which literally took about 5 seconds maybe, then took my monopoly ticket in a huff. I said “thaaaanks” and drove forward.

    Sundae was really nice too. Nicer than usual. Drove down the esplanade and ate it by the waterfront. Had my emergency ice cream spoon with me so I didn’t have to use their awful wooden one.

    • Bottom_racer
      11 months ago

      Nicer than usual

      What should be going through your mind right now after all of that is why did it taste nicer.

      But seriously as a kid maccas monopoly was great. Just rock up, no code app shit, get your small chips and off you go. Miss those days :(

      • PeelerSheila
        11 months ago

        Not bull but I miss them too. They can’t resist a data collection exercise. I also remember the Paddlepop lick-a-prize competition. No get online code shit, just lick and go claim the instant win from the milk bar.

        • bull⚡
          11 months ago

          Same with the 1 in 4 free Mars bars back in the day

      • bull⚡
        11 months ago

        That’s what these instant win ones are too. You don’t need to scan them in to claim them you just hand them over. You can also win food prizes in the app from Chance games etc but you don’t need to scan the instant win peely tickets into the app unless you want to go into the second chance draw.

        But I do agree that I miss the sticker ones where you would stick them onto the monopoly placemat sheet thing to track what you have. I suspect you can’t actually get the rare properties via stickers so they can control the distribution of them digitally rather than have some unused coffee cup sitting with a major prize ticket in a cupboard somewhere.

        As for why it tasted nicer, I understand the whole because it was free thing but it wasn’t that. The ice cream was just extra cold last night, the machine was dialled in just how I like my soft serve. The soft of cold where it has a bit of resistance to it rather than being soft creamy and melty.

    • Duenan
      11 months ago

      You just reminded me to do a free chest thing and I got a freebie of small fries or apple slices.