Welcome to the Melbourne Community Daily Discussion Thread.

  • whatisthislifeilead
    1 year ago

    Ugh. Went for an interview on Friday morning and have that sinking feeling I didn’t get the job. They said they would get back to me early this week and so far i’ve heard nothing. Feel like if they were keen they would be reaching out by now to do reference checks etc. I actually prepped hard for this - wrote out STAR answers, verbally practiced questions and went in and gave some new angles to my work examples that were different from all my other failed interviews. Was still bloody nervous though and I think it showed in my voice - maybe that didn’t sit right with them? Sigh. I seem to be getting applications into the interview stage but just can’t seem to seal the deal.

    • StudSpud The Starchy
      1 year ago

      Send a thank you email, thanking them for their time and consideration. Doesn’t have to long or overly verbose, but it puts you back on their radar - they’ll either say they’re still working on the applications, or they’ll politely reject you. But ‘thank you’ emails tend to go a long way after an interview, as it shows you respect the time of the interviewers, blah blah etc.

      Keep trying, and consider any “failed” applications as interview practice. It’ll be alright, friend, you got this!

      • whatisthislifeilead
        1 year ago

        Ah I sent through individual ‘thank you for meeting me/I do really want this job’ emails to everyone on the interview panel on Monday! Maybe I will wait until the end of the week and follow up with the recruiter who scheduled the interview.

        • Llabyrinthine
          1 year ago

          Also ask for feedback. If they’re an organisation that has a policy to answer, you might get some valuable information not just regarding your interview, but if there are other openings etc.

    • NathA
      1 year ago

      I used to interview people. I started with a huge pile of resumes, and whittled it down to a list of “second look”. Then that list got reduced to “Interview”. I wasn’t interviewing people that didn’t look good for the role. If you were at that stage, and your interview went well, you had decent odds of getting hired.

      I managed all this with a big spreadsheet. I made comments about the candidates after each interview so that I could remember which applicant was which.I would tell people a rough time they’d hear back (if it was “Early in the week”, it’d be because I was interviewing candidates until then.

      Don’t give up hope yet, there are several possible reasons why you haven’t heard back. Interviews for other candidates might have been moved/rescheduled. It’s possible they’re running late for other reasons. It’s possible they’ve offered it to someone else. It’s possible someone else turns the role down and you’ll still get contacted.

      It’s too early to tell. But, feel proud that you got to the interview stage. They only interview the people who look good. Interviews are exhausting and take a long time (not just while you’re in there with them). Even if you don’t get this role, you’ve learned something and you’re obviously doing something right.

      • whatisthislifeilead
        1 year ago

        Thanks for the feedback! yeah I just have to keep trying, just sucks when I feel like I may have squandered another opportunity…