careful voicing that opinion online. I got jumped on for my comment on the other site calling out that I thought the union would take a dim view to having both a CFMEU bumper sticker next to a “Fuck off were full” sticker. And yes, It was on a ford ranger. Because of course it was.
careful voicing that opinion online. I got jumped on for my comment on the other site calling out that I thought the union would take a dim view to having both a CFMEU bumper sticker next to a “Fuck off were full” sticker. And yes, It was on a ford ranger. Because of course it was.
The other site is more hellbent on blaming the government for not doing anything about this.
This whole thing is a perfect shit show where there are many guilty parties.
I’m pro union, but some union members are fuck wits that would not survive in the real world.