Kangaroo meatballs from (shudder!) colesworth. Very high in digestible iron. Don’t fry them! Brown lightly and stew with vegies. If you can get hold of horsemeat, that’s very high in iron too.
Also, once the weather gets a bit wetter/colder, look around for stinging nettles. The young tops are one of the highest sources of vegetable based iron. Wear rubber gloves to harvest, wash well and steam/microwave lightly until just wilted (which destroys the sting), chop, drain and use in any cooked spinach recipie. One of my fab faves as I love the nutty flavour. The iron content is a bonus. Easily grown in damp shade too.
Kangaroo meatballs from (shudder!) colesworth. Very high in digestible iron. Don’t fry them! Brown lightly and stew with vegies. If you can get hold of horsemeat, that’s very high in iron too.
Also, once the weather gets a bit wetter/colder, look around for stinging nettles. The young tops are one of the highest sources of vegetable based iron. Wear rubber gloves to harvest, wash well and steam/microwave lightly until just wilted (which destroys the sting), chop, drain and use in any cooked spinach recipie. One of my fab faves as I love the nutty flavour. The iron content is a bonus. Easily grown in damp shade too.
Great advice thanks