• Rusty Raven M
    2 days ago

    I finally bit the bullet and ordered some supplies to reupholster my couch & armchairs. I’ve been dithering for years over whether I want to spend the money doing that or just buy a new one. I have gotten to the stage of putting everything into the cart and seeing the total a few times, decided it was too much and started looking at new couches instead. Then I decide I quite like my couch and don’t really want the cheap junk I could buy for that price and circle back around to reupholstering again.

    So now I have $840 worth of foam, webbing etc. ordered (I already have fabric) and fingers crossed I don’t mess it up. Miss Meow should be happy with my decision anyway, as the set has an open wood frame which makes the space underneath a good napping spot.

    • Seagoon_
      2 days ago

      Watch as many videos on YT about re-upholstering as you can

      and good luck

      I suggest taking lots of photos while you deconstruct the old upholstery and wearing strong tradie gloves

      • Rusty Raven M
        2 days ago

        This one’s fairly simple, it’s basically square cushions on top of a wood frame, for both the seat and back. There is no shaping or any fabric attached to the frame.

        The only complication is that the seat base is done with tension springs attached to a metal frame that don’t seem to exist as replacement parts - I have found one supplier with something similar, but they don’t stock the right length. I’m going to use elastic webbing instead, which I’m at least familiar with using from previous projects, although I’ve not done anything larger than a dining chair.

        I’m mostly a bit nervous about getting the piping on the cushions right. There was someone in the sewing sub on reddit that posted their project the other day which was almost identical, with links to a YT video they used and recommended so I will watch that one.

        • Seagoon_
          2 days ago

          I’ve done sofa cushions. If making self piping make sure the piping cord is very loose so it doesn’t twist and so it bends easily, inside the tube, double stitch the corners with small stitches and cut the corners so they bend

          are you making your own bias binding? Make the binding at least 5 cm wide

          if buying sew in cord same goes, have it loose so it doesn’t twist or bend, double sew corners and snip the corners