• Rusty Raven M
    1 day ago

    If you don’t feel you can enjoy a street party without money that is an indictment on society, not you. These sorts of events should be a community celebration that everyone can be a part of, and in the past they were. Buying things used to be an extra option, not the core part of festivities, but our society has moved more and more towards making everything about just shopping in slightly different ways. As a society we seem to have lost any ability to have social connections without spending money - we meet in shops and restaurants, and more and more often we are expected to pay for “experiences”, whereas once we would have met in people’s homes and experiences were just things that happened to us, not something to buy.

    • Gibsonhasafluffybutt
      23 hours ago

      I was thinking about this as well. When I grew up in Brunswick circa 90’s to early 2000’s, it was not as commercial as it seems to be these days.

      Always lots of local bands, free stuff to do, lots of stalls just to hang out and talk.

      I miss the old days of Brunswick.