Same-same! Some of the theories are wild. Really looking forward to finishing work, making something yum for dinner then curling up with a gin and watching it
Did you read the one arguing that Rebeck is a goat? Because I laughed out loud then I read it and by the end I was like “YES GOAT!!!”
I can find the link if you want
I do really enjoy having these tiny points of conversation and connection around art that’s not connected to all the …waves hands… the unhinged community theories are such a fun part of it all.
YES hahahaha that was definitely a “too many days have passed and people’s brains are eating themselves” kind of thing - I genuinely couldn’t stop laughing when that popped up. Just finished e2 btw and oh boy do I have more questions than answers now…
Same-same! Some of the theories are wild. Really looking forward to finishing work, making something yum for dinner then curling up with a gin and watching it
Someone dead-set suggested that
this doesn't even make sense as a spoiler
Miss Huang is an innie who was Irving’s daughter and he’s refining her brain
which was probably one of the most unhinged ones out there lol. Definitely a symptom of brain going wild, unable to wait…
Just got back from all my errands and pretty ready to curl up and watch it now, but think I’ll go do one more errand and watch it closer to nighttime.
actual possible spoiler but likely just unhinging
Did you read the one arguing that Rebeck is a goat? Because I laughed out loud then I read it and by the end I was like “YES GOAT!!!”
I can find the link if you want
I do really enjoy having these tiny points of conversation and connection around art that’s not connected to all the …waves hands… the unhinged community theories are such a fun part of it all.
YES hahahaha that was definitely a “too many days have passed and people’s brains are eating themselves” kind of thing - I genuinely couldn’t stop laughing when that popped up. Just finished e2 btw and oh boy do I have more questions than answers now…
Also…s2e2… Good stuff