Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 18°C, max - 32°C. 95% chance of no rain
Tomorrow is back down to 22°C with 3 days of rain, so make sure to get your washing done today!
Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 18°C, max - 32°C. 95% chance of no rain
Tomorrow is back down to 22°C with 3 days of rain, so make sure to get your washing done today!
Random Q: how often do gas meter readers generally read?
They’ve been coming weekly to read my meter, and it just seems a little strange that they check so often, especially considering my billing period is monthly (or at least that’s what they said. They actually seem to issue my bills every 26 days, which is an odd frequency but eh)
I’ve never noticed it that frequently. I would guess once a quarter where I live. I would call the gas company to check what’s going on. It costs them money to send people out so they wouldn’t do it for no reason?
edit: oops just saw you have already checked with them.
All good SC, I appreciate the advice anyway!
I’ve actually just noticed that they’ve marked my gas account as “(closed)”. I don’t really know what that means or why. They’ve issued my first gas bill, which I haven’t paid yet, but isn’t due for a few weeks, but it makes it sound like they’ve disconnected me, which I don’t see a reason for (and they also haven’t - I still have gas)
Anyway, hopefully I’ll find out what’s happening soon
Maybe they suspect a leak?
I sent them an email to see why it’s being read so frequently. Apparently they’re meant to be read weekly
I saw him walking down the street and checking everybody else’s though, so it doesn’t seem to just be me