Today’s weather forecast (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 14°C, max - 30°C. 95% chance of no rain

  • Rusty Raven M
    2 days ago

    Yep. The other one I always loved was being expected to get a medical certificate for sick leave. When you are actually sick that can be extremely difficult and often counterproductive. Fortunately I only need a stat dec these days, but I do have a written warning on file for taking sick leave without a certificate before. Because obviously if I’m too sick to work I’m perfectly capable of getting myself to the doctor’s to the doctors to fill out some paperwork.

    • just_kitten
      2 days ago

      It’s utterly ridiculous. And when you’re particularly sick maybe exposing everyone in the clinic to your illness isn’t a great idea if it’s the contagious kind. Thank heavens for telehealth. I hope you recover fully soon - surely bound to happen with the expert purrfessionalism of Dr Meow.