Tried to make cupcakes. Split the cupcake mixture everywhere. Lost the lid for the milk and while trying to find it spilt about 500ml all over the bench and floor. Burnt my cupcakes. Burnt my wrist trying to get the cupcake tray out of the oven.
E: oh and I also dropped and broke a cup while I was trying to measure the milk
E2: I realized I forgot to make the icing so I went to wash my measuring spoons. It slipped back and flipped soap and hot water into my eyes
Eh, it happens. Been cooking for a long time and sometimes the mishaps all stack together and the whole process is kerfuffle from start to end. Hope the Kerfuffle cupcakes tastes good anyway.
Tried to make cupcakes. Split the cupcake mixture everywhere. Lost the lid for the milk and while trying to find it spilt about 500ml all over the bench and floor. Burnt my cupcakes. Burnt my wrist trying to get the cupcake tray out of the oven.
E: oh and I also dropped and broke a cup while I was trying to measure the milk
E2: I realized I forgot to make the icing so I went to wash my measuring spoons. It slipped back and flipped soap and hot water into my eyes
Sometimes it’s just not meant to be. It doesn’t matter. Write it off and try again another day. Cupcakes should not cause stress.
Unfortunately they’re already made now. I can hardly write them off. And the stress horse has already bolted
Eat the stress cupcakes then and enjoy. And then maybe get some sleep.
Eh, it happens. Been cooking for a long time and sometimes the mishaps all stack together and the whole process is kerfuffle from start to end. Hope the Kerfuffle cupcakes tastes good anyway.