Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 21°C, max - 41°C. 80% chance of no rain
Remember to slip slop slap and keep up with your water intake today! It’s a hot one!
Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 21°C, max - 41°C. 80% chance of no rain
Remember to slip slop slap and keep up with your water intake today! It’s a hot one!
I’ve been pleasantly surprised at the lack of major fires today. Super bad day for it with the winds. There’s one evacuation in progress north of Ballarat, and a few stay informeds around the state (as well as one for a gas leak/“explosives hazard”) in Broadford, but there easily could’ve been multiple major bushfires and a few "it’s too late to leave"s issued today