Weather forecast today (Melbourne CBD, 3000): min - 14°C, max - 31°C. 100% chance of no rain

Time to start closing the windows, freezing the ice blocks, and preparing the fans (or wallet if you’ve got proper air conditioning)!

    • BakuOP
      25 days ago

      I don’t live there yet, so I couldn’t have signed for it and didn’t want it left so decided it’d be better to redirect it to the current house. In hindsight I should’ve just left it as it was, then it would’ve failed delivery and I could’ve picked it up from the new LPO. But redirections only add a day or so in my experience, and since I lodged the redirect about 7 hours before it was even lodged with the post office in Sydney, and it was coming express post, I thought it might not have added any time at all. Naive ik

      I’m guessing they messed up the application of the redirection label and the machine is getting confused, but if it doesn’t get moving soon, I’m gonna need to redirect it again because I won’t even live here by the time it arrives!